Master of Sustainable Outdoor Hospitality Management - Learning Courses


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University of Girona

Accessible tourism and universal design for outdoor hospitality

Silvia Aulet and Ariadna Gassiot Melian

This short course includes general guidelines and constraints that people with special access needs may encounter in outdoor hospitality. It may be helpful for any student or professional to be aware of the diversity of this market segment, their different needs, preferences, etc. and the importance to offer inclusive experiences.

Trends In Smart Tourism For Outdoor Hospitality

Daniel Blasco

General tourism trends, trends in smart tourism, trends in outdoor hospitality.

Breda University of Applied sciences

Team Performance and Creative Leadership

Wesley Put

Team Performance and Creative Leadership are the backbone competencies for the Masters students. You will be working in international composed and interdisciplinary teams throughout your studies and in the field trip being exposed to a varied of culture and differences in ways of living.

Destination Stakeholders And Policy

Rami K. Isaac

Tourism destinations and tourism developments are characterized by interactions between a variety of stakeholders and interests. The various stakeholders involved in any development need to be able to identify the other stakeholders involved (not as easy a task as it might first appear) and identify their salience

Faculty of tourism and hospitality management

Revenue management in outdoor hospitality

Sandra Janković

With a well-formed pricing policy, campsites can achieve a larger share of the market, have more satisfied guests, achieve a higher level of capacity utilization, but also higher income. The decision on the price level is very complex and largely depends on demand, costs, competition and the perception of the value of the product  How to determine the right price, optimal price and increase Revenue and GOP? Can revenue management help?

You find some useful answers in this course!

Organisation and stakeholders of European outdoor hospitality

Josipa Cvelić – Bonifačić

Presentation of main European Stakeholders in Outdoor Hospitality like Camping Business Organisations, Camping Consumer Organisations/Clubs, Automobile clubs, Camping industry representatives,  Camping touroperators, Camping publishers and main Camping brands/chains in Europe